Moonie Trade Disclaimer

The disclaimer that applies to this website belongs to Moonie Trade UNITED (Moonie Trade), with office and head office in U.K. Moonie Trade is a registered company under the number NI627598. Moonie Trade is authorized as an investment company pursuant to article 2:96 of the Act on financial supervision.

Use of the website

The information on this website has been compiled with care by Moonie Trade, but that is not guaranteed for accuracy and completeness. Moonie Trade provides through this website exclusively, information about the (financial) products and services offered by Moonie Trade. Changes can be made without prior notice. The information on this website is not an offer or solicitation on the part of Moonie Trade to visitors of this site, to in any way act in securities or to make use of the services that Moonie Trade offers.

No liability

There is no guarantee this website is error-free or free from technical breakdowns. Although Moonie Trade strives to keep the content of this website as up to date and complete as possible, there can be no assurance as to the accuracy, validity, completeness or timeliness of the information published on this website. Visitors of this website should not act upon information that seems incorrect or implausible, but instead contact Moonie Trade so as to prevent errors and loss. Moonie Trade does not accept liability for damages arising from access to and use of this website.

Third party information, products and services

When Moonie Trade renders hyperlinks to third party websites it does not mean that Moonie Trade recommends the products and services offered on these pages. The use of such links is entirely at your own risk. Moonie Trade assumes no responsibility or liability for the content, use or availability of such websites. The accuracy, reasonableness, reliability and completeness of the information on these websites is not confirmed by Moonie Trade.

Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights (including copyright, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights) in relation to these websites are owned by Moonie Trade and / or its licensors. Transferring, editing, reproduction and / or publishing of the contents of any websites (including text and graphics) in whole or in part without prior written permission from Moonie Trade is strictly prohibited. You are permitted to print and / or download a copy for personal, non-commercial use.

Governing law

Dutch law is applicable to this disclaimer and these websites. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this disclaimer will only be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.

With regard to the protection and management of personal information we refer to Moonie Trade's Privacy-and Cookies.


Moonie Trade reserves the right to change the information offered on or through this website, including this disclaimer, at any time and without notice. It is therefore advisable to consult the website and this disclaimer regularly.